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Valentine from my 9 year old

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:53 pm
by Go Bubba Go
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Some poems rhyme
This one does not


Re: Valentine from my 9 year old

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 8:01 am
by Cory
Here's a poem my older sister claims I wrote in 1st grade to satisfy a history requirement in school:

Lincoln was a famous man
President of this great land
Someone shot him in the head
How I wish he wasn't dead
Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln

Re: Valentine from my 9 year old

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:49 pm
by Go Bubba Go
Cory wrote:Here's a poem my older sister claims I wrote in 1st grade to satisfy a history requirement in school:

Lincoln was a famous man
President of this great land
Someone shot him in the head
How I wish he wasn't dead
Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln
Did your poem land you in the Principal's office or the Gifted program?

A few of my academic "achievements" landed me in one and a few landed me in the other.

Strange, though, the destination didn't always seem to follow from the achievement (at least not to me, anyway). I guess they just weren't sure what to do with me... :(

And from what Mrs. Bubba says, the children "get that stuff from their Dad" i.e. the above Valentine by the 9 year old.